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Get lucky on Friday 13!

Today is a Lucky Day to start enjoying our online bingo rooms and to take advantage of our great bonuses!  Today it´s fabulous Pay Day so let's make sure to refund your online bingo accounts either via Neteller, Ecopayz, Credit Card or Direct deposit.

Did you know that…


  • Some historians have claimed that a Friday was the day on which Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge


  • Cutting your hair and nails on a Friday is a certain path to lack of success


  • Back in the ancient times, Romans disliked the number 13, believing it to be a symbol of destruction and misfortun


On this lucky day, the Bingo Billy family offers our players that have not played in a while a great chance to come back.

If you are not sure how to proceed or have questions about today's specials, make sure to get immediate assistance through Billy´s LIVE CHAT now!

**PLAY WITH CONFIDENCE! Bingo Billy has won the Site of the Year Award’ more than any other Bingo Site in the world – Winners in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012.

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